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Podkorytova A.S.




the article provides a description of the main and typical personality traits and character accentuations of juvenile offenders, as well as the importance of an individualized and comprehensive approach to correctional work with minors with delinquent behavior   

Ключевые слова:
character accentuations, juvenile offenders, social work, delinquent behavior, correctional work   

УДК 316.6

Podkorytova A.S.

Belgorod State University

(Belgorod, Russia)





Abstract: the article provides a description of the main and typical personality traits and character accentuations of juvenile offenders, as well as the importance of an individualized and comprehensive approach to correctional work with minors with delinquent behavior.


Keywords: character accentuations, juvenile offenders, social work, delinquent behavior, correctional work.


Correction of delinquent behavior in minors is an important task that needs to be approached in a competent and comprehensive manner, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. The period of sexual maturation, the transitional period from child to adult, is accompanied by the greatest conflict. Adolescents are in a period of intensive physical, psychological, and social development, which primarily leads to emotional instability. During this period, the child's view of the world changes, and they begin to question the meaning of life, their place in it, and their relationships with others. All of this, in addition to natural hormonal changes, causes a sense of uncertainty and stress, which usually leads to mood swings and emotional outbursts. This is a normal part of the process of human development, but it is accompanied by certain risks, including criminality. As V. A. Merkazova notes, "in a minor, consciousness and psyche are in the stage of intensive formation, and therefore, there is an increased susceptibility to institutions of socialization, both positive and negative".

The central element in corrective work is the personality of the adolescent offender. Personality is a unique combination of character traits, preferences, psychophysical characteristics, and determines a person's behavior in society. Personality may be accentuated, meaning that its individual character traits are expressed excessively, but still within the framework of clinical norms. The pronounced enhancement of individual traits is usually associated with certain types of behavior. Character accentuations in minors not only affect their behavior, but also their ability to adapt to society, making adolescents more susceptible to psychotraumatic influences and factors.

Soviet psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences A. E. Lichko identified 11 character accentuations in adolescents. He also conducted a study among 300 boys aged 14 to 17 who were hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital for various behavioral disorders. As a result of the study, A. E. Lichko found that delinquent behavior is more characteristic of only four types of accentuations and established the frequency of delinquency for each type:

  • Unstable type (76%);
  • Epileptoid type (61%);
  • Hysteroid type (52%);
  • Hyperthymic type (36%).

The unstable type of character accentuation is characterized by emotional instability, inability to control one's emotions and behavior. Adolescents with this type of accentuation mainly see the meaning of life in entertainment and unwillingness to make themselves work, as well as love for a carefree lifestyle - all of which is a provoking factor for committing offenses, as for such teenagers, what they desire can and even should be obtained not only through lawful means and hard work. The unstable type in adolescent offenders can manifest itself in provocative behavior, complete disrespect for authority and the law. They are impulsive and often do not think before doing something, which is why negative consequences for them occur more due to a fleeting desire, a striving for a carefree lifestyle.

The epileptoid character accentuation in adolescents is characterized, first of all, by a tendency to dysphoria - a gloomy mood that can manifest itself in the form of insecurity, anxiety, and at the same time include anger and irritability. As a result of constant mental tension and stress, anger and resentment accumulate, so epileptoid adolescents are prone to antisocial behavior, and they are very cruel and ready to achieve what they want through a demonstration of their power, violence against those who are weaker. They also have a desire for extreme sensations, which is why offenses can be committed solely to satisfy the need for adrenaline.

The character accentuation type known as hysteroid is characterized by demonstrativeness, a tendency towards pretense. Adolescents with this type of character accentuation may experience frequent mood swings, strive for attention to their problems, often exaggerating their scale. Despite these negative qualities, adolescents with this type of accentuation are generally charismatic, may seem open in communication, very emotional, but can also exhibit mannered, theatrical behavior. The goal of delinquent behavior is primarily the desire to get as much attention as possible from peers and others, and sometimes it is of little importance to hysteroid minors what sign this attention will carry - positive or negative.

As for the hyperthymic type of character accentuation, such adolescents are usually energetic, cheerful, talkative, and willing to make contact. However, the hyperthymic type of character accentuation can lead to some problems - such adolescents are prone to risky behavior, and a large amount of energy is usually accompanied by restlessness. Hyperthymic adolescents "are characterized by frivolity, non-compliance, low discipline, low self-control, and non-observance of moral norms," which leads to delinquency. As researchers note, three factors contribute to delinquency among hyperthymic adolescents: a large amount of energy that has nowhere to go, a need for movement and adventure, and a frivolous attitude towards life, including legal norms. These factors form a high level of criminality in hyperthymic character accentuation, since increased activity is not always directed in the right direction.

In general, as studies by Russian scientists show, all adolescent offenders share emotional and volitional disharmony [24, 76]. In addition, minors with delinquent behavior usually have deformations in their value-motivational sphere, which includes attitudes towards education, perception of moral and legal norms. All of this suggests that when working with juvenile offenders, it often doesn't make sense to appeal only to their sense of shame and guilt for their actions. Such a strategy of interaction often proves to be ineffective, as intimidation does not solve the problem.

Character accentuations in minors are responsible for the formation of needs and desires that, under unfavorable circumstances, lead to delinquent behavior. Work aimed at correcting unlawful behavior in adolescents should be based on the accentuations of the minor's character. Comprehensive correctional intervention involves efforts from all stakeholders involved in preventing juvenile delinquency. Interagency cooperation plays a significant role in correction, as correction involves several directions. As is known, legal education is the prerogative of law enforcement officials, while psychocorrectional work is the activity of psychologists and social educators. The main goal of psychological correction, as noted by I.V. Dankova, is "to destroy the negative attitudes and motives of behavior that have developed in adolescents and to form new ones that allow them to satisfy their needs through socially useful behavior". Psychocorrective activity is aimed at correcting personality traits that do not correspond to the norm and includes, in addition to training and counseling, work on forming positive interests for the minor, finding suitable activities and hobbies for them, where it would be appropriate for the specialist to refer to the minor's character accentuations.

To summarize all that has been said, it can be said that the personality of a juvenile offender is indeed the central link in corrective work, since its features determine the nature and causes of the offenses committed. It is very important to take into account the peculiarities of the personality of a juvenile offender when developing a correctional program because based on the type of character accentuation, one can select the most effective technologies and methods, thereby improving the behavior of the adolescent and bringing it in line with social norms.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Podkorytova A.S. PERSONALITY OF A JUVENILE OFFENDER AS A CENTRAL ELEMENT IN CORRECTIONAL WORK // Вестник науки №5 (62) том 1. С. 294 - 298. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/8028 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/8028

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